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Love is in the air!

Celebrate Sweetest Day with your Sweetie (maybe your sweetie is your brother, grandma, mother, or even a friend!) at the fab lab.

We will have the fab lab CLOSED to the public so it will just be us!

We will have a few projects that attendees can work on and we will have appetizers and non-alcoholic drinks for attendees!

Each attendee can pick 1 item from each category.

Category 1:

  • laser engraved tumblers, beer or wine glasses
  • simple cnc router wooden signs
  • simple laser cut wooden signs

Category 2:

  • vinyl stickers
  • sublimation coffee mugs OR puzzle


TICKET SALES END 1 WEEK BEFORE EVENT (so we can make sure we have food ordered)


  • Arrival starts at 1:30pm
  • Please note any dietary restrictions under your ticket