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If you have been curious about using Raspberry Pi for various projects this would be the meetup for you! We’re not experts at using them but some of us have used them for various applications such as a DIY weather station or controlling 3D printers wirelessly.

The meetup is FREE and it won’t start out with any specific goals in mind but really just to get people together and see what comes of it!

Sign up here to join our official Raspberry Pi Meetup email list. We hope to work on some projects for the fab lab together which could springboard into some fun projects with all of you!

Raspberry Pi Meetup

Join the Raspberry Pi Meetup Email List(Required)


Check out this video to have what a Raspberry Pi explained to you in 100 seconds: https://youtu.be/eZ74x6dVYes

To get inspired check out some fun project ideas that are possible: