Come to the Lakeshore Fab Lab and create a custom graveyard tombstone for Halloween! The class will cover the barebone basics for operating the Shopbot CNC Router. We will go over the basic operations used in Vcarve Shopbot Edition to create this piece. After you have personalized your tombstone project in the software, we will go into the shop and cut the signs out. This will involve basic CNC router operation.
Due to time, you will be limited in your design! We had one ambitious kid make a file that took 2 hours to cut once 🙂
NOTE: This will not be an in-depth course on the CNC router.
GUESTS (such as kids) – you are allowed to bring 1 or 2 guests to help with the project but only 1 registered and paid person per group will be guaranteed to received a tombstone.
Walk-ins day of are not guaranteed materials. We will try to have extra items if we can.